Hi there! I’m so glad you’re here!
Because it means you’re interested in collaborating and sharing your thoughts
on the reintroduction of salmon to the blocked area above the Chief Joseph and Grand Coulee dams!
So, how can you contribute?
I’m asking for answers to just one question:
“What does the reintroduction of salmon to the area
above the Chief Joseph Dam mean to you?”
Here’s how you can share your response:
I’m collecting voice memos—simple recordings made on your tablet or phone—that can be sent via email or Google Drive.
Guidelines for Your Response:
Keep it under three minutes to ensure it’s easy to transfer and upload. While I understand that some responses may be more detailed and longer, the three-minute limit helps keep things manageable given today’s fast-paced digital environment and file size constraints.You may need to rehearse a bit to fit your response within the time frame, but I truly believe it’s possible—and that
your voice, stories, and feelings
on this issue are worth sharing with the world.​
If you’d like help navigating how to send a voice memo, I’ve provided written instructions and links to helpful video guides below:
1.Tap the red record button to start recording.
Speak clearly into the microphone, which is typically at the bottom of your phone.At the beginning of recording please introduce yourself however you feel comfortable, whether that means stating your age, where you are from, what you do for a living or letting us know something fun like what your favorite color is and why.
2.Then proceed to answer the question about reintroductions.
3.Tap the stop button (a red square) when finished.
4.Save the Recording
After stopping the recording, the memo is automatically saved.
5. You can rename it by tapping on the recording.
Please save as: FIRST INITIAL OF FIRST NAME and LASTNAME (ie: NGeraghty)
6.Playback file to make sure it's under 3 minutes
and you feel confident that you would like to share your response with others.
7. Tap the recording, then tap the share icon (a box with an arrow).
Select Email or Google Drive to send your file to:
If you have any questions on how to get started or or technical concerns please feel free to reach out at nelliegeraghthy@gmail.com
ADDITIONALLY! Here is an external-link with pictures to help you!
On Android Open the Voice Recorder app
(if it’s not pre-installed, download one like “Voice Recorder” from the Play Store).
It should look something like this:
or this:
1.Tap the red record button to start recording. (it is usually a red circle)
Speak clearly into the microphone. At the beginning of recording please introduce yourself however you feel comfortable, whether that means stating your age, where you are from, what you do for a living or letting us know what your favorite color is and why.
2.Then proceed to answer the question about reintroductions.
3.Tap the stop button (usually a red square) when finished.
4.Save the Recording
The recording will typically save automatically, but some apps may prompt you to save and name the file manually.
Please save as: FIRST INITIAL OF FIRST NAME and LASTNAME (ie: NGeraghty)
5. You can rename it by tapping on the recording.
Please save as: FIRST INITIAL OF FIRST NAME and LASTNAME (ie: NGeraghty)
6.Playback file to make sure it's under 3 minutes
and you feel confident that you would like to share your response with others.
7. Tap the recording, then tap the share icon (a box with an arrow).
Select Email or Google Drive to send your file to:
If you have any questions on how to get started or or technical concerns please feel free to reach out at nelliegeraghthy@gmail.com
ADDITIONALLY! Here is an external-link with pictures to help you!
A Quick Note on Anonymity: Due to federal rules, I am required to keep all responses anonymous. However, it would be wonderful to include a few general, non-identifiable details about you, such as your age and what you do for a living. If you’re comfortable, please include this information when you send your response.
PLEASE feel free to contact me with any questions and concerns around this issue. Thank you so much for being part of this important conversation. Your voice matters, and I can’t wait to hear your thoughts!

On iPhone/iPad
Open the Voice Memos app.
(it’s pre-installed on your device)
and looks like this ​